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Comparateur de Jets Privés

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Very Light Jet Eclipse Aviation Eclipse 550 to charter for private aviation flights with LunaJets, value for money, comfort and performance

Eclipse Aviation Eclipse 550

Beechcraft King Air 90 GTx

Very Light Jet Cessna Citation Mustang to charter for private aviation with LunaJets for intra-European short-haul flights or weekend getaways

Cessna Citation Mustang

Very Light Jet Embraer Phenom 100 to charter for private aviation with LunaJets for intra-European short-haul flights or weekend getaways

Embraer Phenom 100

Very Light Jet Honda Hondajet to charter for private aviation flights with LunaJets for fuel efficient, relaxed intra-European short flights

Honda HondaJet

Light Jet Cessna Citation CJ1 to charter for private intra-european flights with LunaJets,increased performance, spacious, weekend break, CJ1

Cessna Citation CJ1

Light Jet Cessna Citation M2 to charter for a private charter flight with LunaJets, short haul flights, comfortable and spacious, intra-european

Cessna Citation M2

Pilatus PC-12 NGX

Super Light Jet Hawker Beechcraft 750 to charter for private flights with LunaJets, increased luggage space, comfortable cabin, performance

Hawker Beechcraft Hawker 750

Midsize Jet Gulfstream G150 to charter for private aviation flights with LunaJets for outstanding performance, impressive range, steep approach

Gulfstream G150

Super Light Jet Embraer Legacy 450 to charter for private flights with LunaJets, Brazilian manufacturer, increased performance and reliability

Embraer Legacy 450

Light Jet Nextant 400XT to charter for flights with LunaJets, spacious, excellent range, extremely fast and efficient, exceptional performance

Nextant Nextant 400XT

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