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  3. Fly Between Frankfurt And Munich

Private jet charter between Frankfurt and Munich

The 300 km route between Frankfurt and Munich, Germany, is widely flown by business travellers throughout the year, and leisure travellers mostly fly this route during the summer or during the famous Oktoberfest: the world’s biggest Volksfest held in Munich every year.

Both vibrant and busy cities, private aviation travellers frequently book swift, bespoke flights for work or for their spontaneous jaunts between Frankfurt and Munich.

Contact LunaJets’ experienced team, able to assist you 24/7, to find out about the different private jets you can charter to fly from Frankfurt to Munich, and back, at the best price. The flight between Munich Airport and Frankfurt Am Main Airport takes approximately one hour and 10 minutes, depending on the aircraft you hire. Get in touch for further advice on the private jets you can charter to fly this popular German domestic route.

How much does it cost to charter a private jet from Munich to Frankfurt?

Chartering a private jet from Munich to Frankfurt cost approximately from €5,040 to €10,860.

Frankfurt to Munich
Frankfurt to Munich
RouteFlight timeAircraftCategorySeatPrice

de flagMunichde flagFrankfurt

Flight time: 0H48

Aircraft: Global 5000

Super Large Jet

Seat: 13

Price: € 10,860


de flagMunichde flagFrankfurt

Flight time: 0H50

Aircraft: Citation Mustang

Very Light Jet

Seat: 4

Price: € 5,040


de flagMunichde flagFrankfurt

Flight time: 0H39

Aircraft: Citation CJ3

Light Jet

Seat: 7

Price: € 8,720


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